Getting rid of clutter is a quick and easy way to make a home more fabulous without buying a thing. And, the ecobenefits are immediate: less clutter=less mess=less stress.
I devote one day a week to dealing with the following clutter causers:
Magazines I am letting all my subscriptions run out. Between the library, beauty salon, and waiting rooms, I get my latest fix of glossy news. I am still addicted to my monthly Oprah, but I do not let the magazines pile up. After reading them, I give them to friends or drop them off at the cancer center.
Mail Most of my bills are paid online and I email or telephone family and friends. But, I still receive junk mail. I no longer bring the junk mail into the condo; I deal with it at the mailbox area in my condo building. Since I do not plan to read the material, I dispose of it immediately.
Paper Each day, I start a number of writing projects. I am either researching or writing drafts of articles. At first, there were papers strewn about and it was very time-consuming and frustrating to find anything. That changed when I set up a filing system. Whenever I start a new article or story, I immediately create a file folder for all the research and drafts. I keep a few of these folders on my desk and file the rest away in a cabinet.
Clothes I have always kept up with the laundry and ironing. When I was working, I would do laundry on Saturday and iron Sunday evening while watching television. As a result, I was able to select from my entire wardrobe each day. I have kept this habit in retirement.