I discovered it is possible to have a gleaming place with eco-friendly household products, and, with more time on hands, I could easily make my own cleaning products. End result--a healthier house and a healthier pocketbook.
I use primarily full-strength white vinegar which is an excellent cleaning option that kills many germs, bacteria, and molds.
Here are a few easy ideas for cleaning around the house with vinegar:
- Use vinegar mixed 50/50 with water to mop vinyl and ceramic flooring. Do not use on hardwood.
- Wipe down the inside walls and shelves of your refrigerator with a mixture of vinegar and water. Use full-strength vinegar if you are trying to remove stubborn food odors.
- Leave a cupful of vinegar in the toilet bowl overnight. In the morning, scrub with a toilet brush.
- Use vinegar for degreasing stovetops, ovens, pots, and pans.
- To clean the microwave oven, heat half a cup of white vinegar in a bowl on high for three minutes. Let the vinegar sit undisturbed for about fifteen minutes, then remove the container and wipe down the inside of the microwave with a sponge and clear water.
- After cooking fish or burning something on the stove, wipe down the countertops with full-strength vinegar to neutralize the smell.
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