Those of us who are addicted to sugar find it difficult to simply throw out the sugar and do without. The following alternatives to white sugar have fewer calories, a lower
glycemic index, and additional nutrients.
Brown Sugar Although the nutritional value is the same, the browner the sugar the more flavour it has and so the less you will need. When you are baking, if you swap white for brown, you will save 15 grams of
carbs in every 1/4 cup you use.
Honey Honey is sweeter than sugar, has fewer calories, and contains vitamins and minerals that keep your cells healthy. In particular, darker honey has a higher antioxidant content. Honey also enhances the growth of "good" bacteria in the gut. Many hay fever sufferers report that local honey is very helpful during the pollen season.
Stevia This herb has enormous sweetening power. The liquid form is the most convenient choice for cooking--it measures easily and stores in the fridge. Keep in mind that 1/8 of a teaspoon of liquid
stevia is equivalent to 1/2 cup of sugar. It works well in everything from pancakes to puddings.
Splenda The primary ingredient in
Splenda is
sucralose, a sugar substitute processed from real sugar.
Sucralose is calories free, does not affect blood sugar levels, and maintains its sweetness across a broad range of temperatures.
Splenda measures cup for cup like sugar in recipes.