I enjoyed reading these half-full/half-empty perspectives from the website www.businessballs.com.
- The engineer says the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.
- The bar fly says it's not about whether the glass is half-full or half-empty, it's about who is paying for the next round.
- The consultant says let's examine the question, prepare a strategy for an answer, and all for a daily rate of ...
- The worrier frets that the remaining half will evaporate by tomorrow.
- The fanatic thinks the glass is completely full, even though it isn't.
- The entrepreneur sees the glass as undervalued by half its potential.
- The computer specialist says that next year the glass capacity will double and will cost half the price.
- The Buddhist says don't worry, remember the glass is already broken.
- The personal coach knows that the glass goes from full to empty depending on the circumstances and reminds the drinker that he/she can always fill the glass when he/she wishes.
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