Consider the following suggestions:
- The best way to get rid of germs on your hands is by using soap and hot water. But, if you have a weakened immune system or if there's some bug going around in your family, use an alcohol wash. It quickly kills bacteria and it's convenient. When buying an alcohol wash, make sure that "ethyl alcohol 62%" is one of the active ingredients listed on the label.
- Use clean cutting boards. Whether you choose wood or plastic boards, make sure that you run it through the dishwasher or use soap and hot water to clean and disinfect it properly. Some people keep one board exclusively for cutting meat, poultry, and fish and another board for chopping vegetables and other foods.
- Sponges are not the best choice to clean up kitchen counter tops. Dish cloths dry more quickly than sponges and there is less opportunity for bugs to grow in them.
- Store raw meat, chicken, or fish on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. This prevents any leaking juices from dripping onto other foods.
- When cooking chicken or other meat, use a thermometer to ensure that the meat is properly cooked.
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