The second-best way to get adequate nutrition is to take a multi-vitamin. With hundreds of vitamins and supplements to choose from, it is very easy to become overwhelmed and confused. Here is some sensible advice from the Mayo Clinic:
- Check the label. Read labels carefully to determine the active ingredient and the level of nutrient in each serving.
- Be careful not to take high doses of any vitamin--it could damage your health.
- Look for expiration dates. Dietary supplements can lose potency over time. Discard expired vitamins and supplements and store them in a cool, dry place.
- No multivitamin tablet contains enough calcium to cover 100% of the daily requirement, So, if you are not drinking enough milk or eating other foods with high levels of calcium, you may need an additional supplement.
- There is no evidence that timed released supplements are of greater benefit than regular. They are, however, more expensive. If you want your nutrients spread out over time, simply divide the dosage.
- If you are taking any prescribed medications, talk to your pharmacist about any possible interactions between those drugs and certain supplements.
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